Welcome to HELP University Research Portal

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    Journal JER-HBT

Research Tools

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    Reference manager software – Mendeley
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    Paraphrasing Tool – QuillBot AI

Research Guides


The manual covers:

1. What is Turinitin?
2. Turnitin Guides
3. FAQs

Plagiarism & Citation

HELP defines plagiarism as the act of “taking other people’s work or ideas and using them as one’s own without proper citation or acknowledgement”.

Theses Formatting

  • HELP thesis templete
  • Guidelines to HELP thesis for Postgraduate programmes


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Interlibrary loan & Document delivery services

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Database that provides information on the citation performance of academic journals. JCR is published by Clarivate Analytics, and it is widely used by researchers, publishers, and institutions to evaluate the impact of scholarly publications.

Top 100 Highest Impact Factor Journals of 2023 is a list of journals with the highest impact factor around the world.

What is a predatory journal? A scoping review


How can I tell whether or not a certain journal might be a predatory scam operation?


Academic Publishing: Open Access & Predatory Publishers

To be updated

To be updated

To be updated

Predator publishing Journal

Database that provides information on the citation performance of academic journals. JCR is published by Clarivate Analytics, and it is widely used by researchers, publishers, and institutions to evaluate the impact of scholarly publications.

Top 100 Highest Impact Factor Journals of 2023 is a list of journals with the highest impact factor around the world.

What is a predatory journal? A scoping review


How can I tell whether or not a certain journal might be a predatory scam operation?


Academic Publishing: Open Access & Predatory Publishers

Beall's List journal

To be updated

How to publish Journal

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Tips & guides to publish Journal

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Reference Desk Consultation





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