Two type of photocopiers, Ricoh and HP with different set of charges are allocated in the library to facilitate users with their printing/photocopying needs. Users may also choose the 2 following options when using the photocopier services:


Self-service allows“ students to top-up a sum of money into their account and proceed to use the services. Top-up can be done with the library itself or through CIC’s Helpdesk.

Paid service: users may request library staff to assist with the services and to pay the library accordingly.


A small photocopy shop is also available in HA/HU library with additional services such as simple binding, laminating, etc.


The charges are as below:

Type of Photocopier Black Color Availability
HP RM0.10 RM1.00 Available in ELM and S2 libraries only
Ricoh RM0.15 RM1.00 Available in all libraries


Note: Library users who photocopy materials are fully responsible
for compliance with COPYRIGHT ACT 1987