Loans, Recall, Returns and Renewal

  • Patrons are responsible for library materials borrowed in their names.
  • Student Id of the patron should be displayed upon entering the Library.
  • Student Id and library membership privileges are not transferable
  • Books borrowed from the holding library (ie. location of the books) should be returned to the library where the books are borrowed from.
  • A fine is imposed on overdue material items. The fine amount is continuously accumulated until the item is returned.
  • The Library reserves the right to recall any library item which is out on loan when the item is urgently required. If the item is not returned promptly, borrowing privileges of the borrower may be suspended until the item is returned.
  • Renewal is not allowed if:
    • the book is overdue
    • the book is reserved by another patron
    • the book is being recalled by the Library


Email Reminders / Overdue Notice

  • The Library system automatically sends 3 email reminders to patrons for a book borrowed. The reminder or overdue notices are sent 3 days before a book is due, 1 day the book is overdue and 3 days overdue.
  • Email reminders /overdue notices are merely courtesy reminders.
  • The Library will not be responsible for undelivered emails regardless of circumstances
  • Failure to receive or read emails regardless of circumstance will not be accepted as a valid excuse for late return of books.
  • Patrons are advised to refer to the due date stamped on the Date Due slip in the book.


Loss and Damages to Library Materials

  • Any losses and damages to library materials must be replaced by the borrower. The charges will be as follows:
  • A replacement copy (being the latest edition at the time of loss) at borrower’s own expense, or the borrower pays double the price of the current market price of the latest edition of the lost or damaged item.
  • Overdue fines (if any).


Loss of Personal Items

  • Library is not responsible for the loss or damage to personal property or valuables left within library premises. Please do not leave money, wallets, hand phones, iPad and other valuable items unattended.


Security Deposit

  • Student must return borrowed items and settle outstanding fines by the last day of final examinations or before withdrawing from University. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture or deduction of the security deposit.



  • Copyright protection in Malaysia is governed by the Copyright Act 1987. Patrons must comply with copyright laws and licensing agreements when using computers, software, online resources and photocopying facilities.



  • Library patrons should be decently attired.
  • Silence should be observed in the Library. Mobile phones should be kept on silent mode in order not to disturb other users.
  • Patrons who do not comply with the library rules and regulations or cause disturbances may be asked to leave the library by the library staff
  • Reservation of seats is not allowed in the library. Any items left unattended in the Library will be removed
  • Eating and smoking are not allowed within library premises. Water in bottle or container is allowed. All other beverages are not allowed.